Latest articles from Global Transaction Banking

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From the boardroom to the front line – extending business intelligence in banking

April 4, 2017

Data analytics and business intelligence is growing in importance across the banking industry. But the challenge is providing the right information to the right people at the right time. 

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Jeremy Light teaser

Cross-border payments reach modernisation phase

July 1, 2016

The move to real-time payment systems is gaining momentum across the globe and raises the prospect of instant cross-border payments. New players are also helping to redefine the payments ecosystem, as Joy Macknight reports.

Paula Roels teaser

Speed and cost spur reimagination of correspondent banking on blockchain

July 1, 2016

The potential of blockchain to transform traditional banking processes has generated much enthusiasm over the past year. Deutsche Bank’s Paula Roels, head of market infrastructure and industry initiatives, and Bradley Lonnen, market management, institutional cash management, look at the current state of play around adoption, and blockchain’s applicability to correspondent banking.

Cybersecurity teaser

Cybersecurity: work together and be vigilant

July 1, 2016

Cybercrime is not a new threat but the attacks and ‘precise targeting’ by fraudulent parties are becoming more sophisticated. Marcus Sehr, global head of client management and sales for institutional cash management at Deutsche Bank, highlights the seriousness of cyberfraud and the need to foster awareness, and outlines the steps the banking community should take to defend the financial system’s integrity.

Daphne Huang teaser

Swift dips into China with CIPS

July 1, 2016

Financial messaging provider Swift’s memorandum of understanding with China’s Cross-border Inter-Bank Payment System could greatly facilitate cross-border renminbi payments, as Stefania Palma discovers.

Christian Westerhaus teaser

Great expectations for wholesale payments

July 1, 2016

The retail payments space has witnessed a great deal of innovation over the past few years. To date, this has not been matched on the wholesale side. Christian Westerhaus, global head of product and strategy, institutional cash management, at Deutsche Bank looks at how developments on the domestic retail side are influencing client expectations in wholesale payments and assesses the steps the industry is taking to enhance the cross-border payments experience.

Commercial cards: old rails, new tricks

November 23, 2015

Renewed interest in commercial card programmes has led to a flurry of innovation in the space, ultimately giving corporates more flexibility.


Faster payments: the state of play

November 2, 2015

Adoption of real-time payments is accelerating rapidly, driven by regulatory pressures and the threat of non-bank competition. Joy Macknight looks at the different paths taken in the quest to future-proof domestic payments infrastructures.

The great talent migration

The great talent migration: how Asia-Pacific lenders are taking the top bankers

October 1, 2015

The past year has seen Asia-Pacific banks attracting top transaction banking talent away from global institutions. What is triggering a reverse migration from global to regional? Joy Macknight investigates.

Lisa Robins, Deutsche Bank

Corporate cash management: the Asian challenge

October 1, 2015

As China steps up its currency liberalisation programme, corporates are having an easier time managing their cash across Asia as a whole. But staying abreast of the changing regulatory regimes in different jurisdictions continues to be a challenge.

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