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How will Romania achieve its eurozone goal?

Despite strong GDP growth and increased market confidence, Romania still has economic improvements to make before it is in any shape to join the euro. Nick Kochan reports.
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It seems that Greece has fallen out of love with Romanian banks. In the past eight months, Greek banks have sold – out of a total of three local operations – two to other foreign buyers and one to a domestic bank. The sale of at least one other Greek operation in Romania is anticipated.

This flight from Bucharest comes as the Romanian economy gains a spring in its step. Romania is today the tiger of the EU, with gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 7%, fuelled by borrowing and resulting in what some believe is an unsustainable consumption boom. In the meantime, the country is engaged in a push to converge with other European financial measures and envisages joining the eurozone in no more than four years, a senior official of the National Bank of Romania told The Banker.

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