Latest articles from Analysis & Opinion

Happy pessimist and buy-out partypooper

August 1, 2007

Karina Robinson talks to Alchemy chief Jon Moulton about the end of the buy-out boom and why the firm chooses not to list.

CROs and CIOs are the same

August 1, 2007

Chief information officers complain that no one else in the business, least of all CEOs, realises that information is a core risk for a bank and must be managed. The best way is with the co-operation of the chief risk officer, says Chris Skinner.

BNP Paribas makes structured products more flexible

August 1, 2007

BNP Paribas’ structuring team is meeting growing demand with some innovative approaches. Edward Russell-Walling explains.

Oil price hikes offer Africa a silver lining

August 1, 2007

Climbing oil prices may be a headache for the West, but could provide Africa with much needed development revenue.

Subprime mortgage woes

August 1, 2007

As major players face rating downgrades, observers wonder if the problems in the credit market will cascade into the equity markets.

China cuts out the middleman

August 1, 2007

By negotiating directly with Africa, China is changing the rules on commodity trading, writes Martyn Davies.

PKO’s headache

July 4, 2007

Poland’s largest bank, the state-owned PKO, is operating without a head while the ruling party searches for a ‘suitable’ CEO. Jan Cienski reports from Warsaw.

The Long Tail of banking

July 4, 2007

Last year, there was a big buzz about a book by Chris Anderson called The Long Tail, which describes the phenomenon of internet retailing. The concept is that traditional shops have a physical limit on shelf capacity so, for example, a music store can only stock as many titles as its physical space allows.

Tight window of opportunity

July 4, 2007

A consortium including Goldman Sachs won the mandate for a strategic review and IPO execution for Turkey’s state-owned Halkbank. A tight schedule for US distribution and a political/religious row that spilled volatility into the Istanbul stock market failed to derail the sale. Edward Russell-Walling reports.

Greater EU presence on the world stage

July 2, 2007

As Portugal takes over the EU presidency, the country’s president, Professor Aníbal Cavaco Silva, stresses the need, among other things, for Europe to assert itself as an effective and influential global performer.

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