Benchmarking data for regulatory compliance

    The pace of regulatory change can only be addressed through better data management, which brings further efficiencies and better business results.

    The Banker’s Leadership series, in association with Wolters Kluwer, explores the data challenges financial firms face when addressing complex and changing regulatory and reporting requirements.

    The Banker Leadership series is sponsored by Wolters Kluwer but independently edited.

    Discussion points:
     Challenges in regulatory compliance - In chapter one of this five-part Leadership series, in association with Wolters Kluwer, the discussion revolves around the results of The Banker’s survey of over 100 financial institutions to benchmark their data readiness for regulatory reporting and compliance.

    Integrating legacy IT with regtech - Chapter two explores the technology challenges that large, complex incumbent institutions face when addressing changing regulatory and reporting requirements.

    Focusing on data - Chapter three takes a dive deep into the data and find out what the major data challenges are for financial institutions when trying to surface the right data to comply with regulatory demands.

    Regulatory workflow integration - In chapter four, the roundtable participants explore integration challenges with regards to compliance and reporting workflow.

    Comprehensive data management - The final chapter in The Banker’s Leadership series, in association with Wolters Kluwer, looks at the future data challenges faced by financial firms when addressing complex and changing regulatory and reporting requirements, and how banks can best address these challenges.

    In conversation with:
    Peter Bonisch, chairman and co-managing partner, Kage Strategy
    Ruth Wandhöfer, global head of regulatory and market strategy, treasury and trade solutions, Citi
    Richard Chenga-Reddy, global head of regulatory affairs, group public affairs and sustainability, ‎Standard Chartered
    Rajat Somany, global head – product and platform management, Wolters Kluwer

    The Banker Insights - Benchmarking data for regulatory compliance

    The roundtable discussion is based on the results of The Banker’s recent survey, which polled more than 100 financial institutions, benchmarking data readiness for regulatory reporting and compliance. Click here for the results of this research: The Banker Insights - Benchmarking data for regulatory compliance 1.01 MB

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