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AmericasJanuary 2 2006

What the bankers say: Cuba

The Banker invites CEOs from around the world to discuss the economic climate in their country and institution, and their hopes for the future
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Banco Popular de Ahorro
Orlando D López Garcés, CEO & President

1. What makes your country attractive to investors?

An educated labour force, political stability, institutional seriousness in fulfilling contracts with respect for the law.

2. What are the economic prospects for your country over the next three to five years?

Continuous growth in tourism; medical services for export; increase in oil extraction and new prospects – actual production of nickel will double in the next few years.

 3. How do you foresee the financial sector in your country changing?

It will continue the constant improvement of automation and offers of external credit will increase as a result of our payments record and responsibility with our partners.

 4. What role will your bank play in your country’s future development?

It will provide efficient financial services and channel more profitable projects to continue to increase the internal savings capacity.

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