Latest articles from China

Too-big-to-ignore list is growing

August 1, 2007

Not every bank desires to be a global powerhouse but there are some markets that are TBTI (too big to ignore). Chief executives need to have a China strategy and an India strategy for sure but the TBTI list is growing faster than CEOs can keep up with.

China cuts out the middleman

August 1, 2007

By negotiating directly with Africa, China is changing the rules on commodity trading, writes Martyn Davies.

Mighty flotations switch leader podium placings

July 4, 2007

Following successful IPOs by ICBC and Bank of China in 2006, the two banks return to the gold and silver positions in this year’s listing. Terry Baker-Self reports.

China’s malaise is private equity’s gain

July 4, 2007

Is the private equity boom a result of the Asian savings glut? The Chinese current account surplus was $250bn in 2006 and is heading for $375bn this year. Foreign reserves hit $1200bn in the first three months of this year. This provides “a base level of liquidity being pumped out into the world”, says Charles Dumas, director of UK-based Lombard Street Research.

China builds up to a free market

July 2, 2007

A fast momentum of economic growth is providing the backdrop to new laws granting private property rights and an influx of real estate investment, as the country moves closer to liberalisation. Chris Webb reports.

China’s banking quadruplet comes to the fore

July 2, 2007

The big Chinese banks have burst into the top echelons of global banking and look set to stay. This year’s Top 1000 shows there are now two banks, ICBC and Bank of China, in the Top 10 world banks in seventh and ninth place, with China Construction Bank close behind in 14th place.

The miscalculation of posturing over currency misalignment

July 2, 2007

The US and IMF’s targeting of China’s currency has as much to do with playing to the political gallery as it does with economics.

China and Africa’s mutual back scratching

June 4, 2007

A 10-fold increase in bilateral trade means China is set to eclipse Europe and the US as the main foreign actor in Africa.

Chinese model inspires AfDB

May 7, 2007

China provides an example of growth-driven modernisation that Africans can aspire to, writes Kevin Godier.


April 2, 2007

KPMG highlights the growth of China’s consumer banking markets while Mercer Oliver Wyman outlines the benefits that can be derived from Basel II implementation beyond simple regulatory compliance.

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