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Asia-PacificNovember 3 2003

Property magnate and babe magnet

Hong Kong property tycoon Vincent Lo talks to Karina Robinson about his strategy for doing business with mainland China.
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Vincent Lo is referred to in the Chinese media as “Sheung Hoi Siu Yeh”, which roughly translates as Shanghai Tycoon. “He is a much admired and sought after gentleman by the ladies in Shanghai,’’ says a Hong Kong peer, speaking of the owner of one of the largest foreign property development companies in China.

Mr Lo, who is separated from his wife, is also rather cagey about the value of his property development and construction materials company – perhaps he does not want those covetous ladies to know too much.Pressed on the subject, he confesses to owning more than 6 million square metres of buildable space for property development in China.

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