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PriorbankSergey Kostyuchenko, CEO
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1. What makes your country attractive to investors?

A strong GDP growth and a stable exchange rate against the US dollar. Belarus has inherited and is developing a strong manufacturing industry, and has skilled labour.

2. What are the economic prospects for your country over the next three to five years?

Priorbank expects constant steps to be made towards further economic liberalisation, boosting the economic development of Belarus, a country well situated between the EU and Russia.

3. How do you foresee the financial sector in your country changing?

The banking industry will develop further and more private financial institutions will emerge in the future.

4. What role will your bank play in your country’s future development?

Priorbank is the leading privately-owned financial institution in Belarus and therefore has an important role for the development of Belarus’s financial sector and economy. We will facilitate the transition to an even better economy.

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Read more about:  Central & Eastern Europe , Belarus