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Middle EastJanuary 2 2006

United Arab Emirates

National Bank of Abu DhabiMichael H Tomalin, CEO
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1. What makes your country attractive to investors?

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers a world-class infrastructure, logistics and telecommunications network; investor-friendly government policies; geographic proximity to a large emerging market base; a tax-free environment; and a high standard of living.

2. What are the economic prospects for your country over the next three to five years?

Economic growth will be strong. The real estate and tourism sectors will see the bulk of the activity. Privatisation of power, water, telecommunications and developments in the oil and gas industry will continue.

3. How do you foresee the financial sector in your country changing?

Trade barriers will be dismantled, new banks will enter the market, and there will be consolidation in the longer term, with banks becoming bigger and stronger. Competition for people and business will intensify.

4. What role will your bank play in your country’s future development?

We will nurture and develop UAE human capital, support infrastructure projects, SMEs and capital markets. We will provide innovative products/services and an effective conduit for both UAE and foreign investors.

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