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Western EuropeJanuary 2 2006


UBSPeter Wuffli, CEO
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1. What makes your country attractive to investors?

Switzerland is the global leader in international wealth management services. It is also the domicile for a disproportionately high number of large global corporations in the financial, health care and other global industries.

2. What are the economic prospects for your country over the next three to five years?

We have an open economy with a strong export sector, which is and will remain highly competitive. I see substantial potential for the Swiss domestic sectors to improve productivity further by opening national markets to foreign competition – which will help growth.

3. How do you foresee the financial sector in your country changing?

The Swiss financial centre, with its sophisticated securities trading and processing infrastructure and its highly qualified, multilingual labour pool, will continue to strengthen its competitiveness and benefit through the success of Swiss financial firms from the global industry consolidation under way.

4. What role will your bank play in your country’s future development?

UBS will continue to expand its world leading share of the growing wealth management market thus contributing to the strength of the Swiss financial centre. Domestically, we live up to our responsibility as the leading business bank in providing competitive financial services to a growing Swiss economy.

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