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EU tightens grip on national financial regulation

February 24, 2014

The Court of Justice of the EU's rejection of British attempts to appeal against a European short-selling ban could signal a new degree of harmonisation on financial regulation.

Time to clarify fines

February 24, 2014

Another day, another huge fine for banks. But is it justified? 

Regulators lost for words

February 24, 2014

Regulators struggling to define what activities are covered by hugely detailed new rules governing financial markets might do better by returning to first principles.

The glory days are long gone for RBS

February 21, 2014

Having forced Royal Bank of Scotland to adopt what it deems a less risky business model, the UK government can say goodbye to its chances of breaking even when it sells the bank.

Kuwait governor's Islamic finance agenda

February 14, 2014

Kuwait’s central bank governor Mohammad al-Hashel is at the forefront of new thinking on Islamic finance.

Brand lessons that banks need to learn

February 10, 2014

Banks need to build a brand around the concepts of security and respect, and don't need to emulate the Apples of this world when engaging customers.

Front left: Damien Lamoril, Quentin L’Hélias, Alvaro Huete and Ignacio Blasco

Leveraged finance goes local for SG CIB in the Czech Republic

February 3, 2014

Société Générale CIB arranged a record large loan for PPF Group to buy out Telefonica's Czech subsidiary, and found plentiful liquidity in local currency.

Amara Konneh

Liberia's finance minister looks to turn economic fortunes around

February 3, 2014

Liberia’s economy has come a long way since its devastating civil war ended 11 years ago, but it remains one of the world’s poorest countries. Amara Konneh, who won The Banker’s African Finance Minister of the Year award for 2014, tells Paul Wallace how the Liberian government is trying to change that.

The danger of unleashing a currency war

January 31, 2014

Developed economies will only have themselves to blame if emerging economies start adopting China's approach to currency control.

Cold shoulder for IMF in US agreement

January 27, 2014

The bipartisan agreement struck by the US government to avert threats of a shutdown undermines the International Monetary Fund’s status as a truly multilateral institution. 

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