Latest articles from Transaction banking

After meltdown comes an ice age

December 1, 2008

It’s cold out there in the markets and in the freezing conditions, merger and acquisition activity has slowed to a virtual standstill. But the market is not entirely dead, and if necessity is the mother of invention, it can also be the mother of the M&A deal. Writer Joanne Hart.

The future for foreign exchange

November 3, 2008

Having enjoyed a major boom in volumes over the past five years, the FX market needs to address its processing operations and cost model. Tony White, managing director at Wall Street Systems, discusses how these problems can be combatted. Writer Michelle Price.

Small is beautiful

November 3, 2008

As the world’s banking behemoths battle it out to grab market share from the growing band of corporate giants in Asia, they could be overlooking the real opportunity on the continent. Writer Charlie Corbett.

Getting the house in order

November 3, 2008

While the current market turmoil has slowed lending volumes, the industry is still going ahead with tackling the processing inefficiencies of the secondary loan market. Writer Frances Maguire.

Barclays’ calculated risk

November 3, 2008

Barclays’ acquisition of Lehman’s US operations, while being a risky move, could be one of the most profitable gambles to come out of the credit crisis if the bank can conquer the American market. Writer Geraldine Lambe.

View from the top

November 3, 2008

David Hodgkinson, group chief operating officer at HSBC, talks about the credit crisis, and how the banking industry is likely to change going forward.

We’re all bankers now

November 3, 2008

Western governments have been forced to take massive stakes in the world’s biggest banks in order to shore up their capital bases. When the dust settles, what will be the implications of a part government-owned financial sector? Writer Charlie Corbett.

The future of trading

November 3, 2008

This autumn’s shocking crash in the markets and failure of major banks has made pariahs of traders around the world. What does the future hold? By Michelle Price.

Which way now?

November 3, 2008

As the investment banking sector emerges wounded from the credit crunch, will the sector ever be the same? As Wall Street weakens, will the power shift elsewhere, and what are the chances of the banking behemoth rising again? Geraldine Lambe reports.

Peter Sutherland

October 6, 2008

Current WTO negotiations are encouraging a negative trend towards bilateralism and regionalism.

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