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ArchiveJuly 3 2005

Esko Mäkeläinen, Senior executive vice-president & CFO, Stora Enso Oyj

1. In a cyclical industry like the forest industry, our revenues are volatile. During a down cycle our profits go down and during the up cycle profits improve. To reduce the impact of this cyclicality, our financing is generally linked to a short-term rate.
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Though, if the cycle is turning and interest rates head up, we extend our durations within certain limits.

2. Stora Enso has reported its accounts in accordance with IAS/IFRS since 1998 and, being listed on the NYSE, also complies with SOX. We understand investors worries about having accurate and reliable financial data from publicly traded companies like ours, but some of the recent trends are counterproductive. Accounting standards that strive towards market valuations are causing confusion among users of financial data by adding volatility to financial items, and the SOX 404 process adds controls on top of controls. That is overdoing the process.

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