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AwardsSeptember 4 2005


Bank BPHThe completion of the merger of Bank Przemyslowo Handlowy and Powszachny Bank Kredytowy in 2004 to form Bank BPH, the third largest bank in Poland, has produced a highly successful institution.
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Net profits rose 144% to reach 788m zlotys ($239.8m) and more than doubled the ROE. The bank’s mortgage market share rose to 19.3% and its share in the credit card market reached 13.7%.

“2004 was a milestone in our history,” says CEO Jozef Wancer. “We have been extremely successful in the completion of the merger of two banks. In 2004, BPH achieved the highest financial results in its history – gross profit exceeded 1bn zlotys. The evidence for our success lies in the numerous local and international awards, and our leading positions in customer rankings. The steady upwards trend in the company’s share price proves the market’s trust in the bank. We thank the customers for their trust and our employees for their efforts. We received the distinction awarded by The Banker with great satisfaction.”

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