Latest articles from Regulations

Capital accord or capital discord?

March 6, 2006

Preparations for the new capital accord trundle on but there are growing fears among bankers and their supervisors that its inconsistent implementation around the world will cause problems. 

Day of the MiFIDs II

February 6, 2006

We’ve seen the scary trailers for MiFID (known to equity traders as ‘Day of the MiFIDs’ after the 1960s sci-fi movie). But are we ready for the sequel, which will target bond and derivatives markets?Michael Imeson investigates.

A directive with teeth

January 2, 2006

When the Payment Services Directive begins to bite, Italians will open bank accounts in The Netherlands to avoid high charges and banks will lose a fortune. Chris Skinner examines the true nature of its teeth.

Foiling the till raiders

January 2, 2006

Staff are the major perpetrators of fraud on companies. Michael Imeson outlines the importance of sound operational risk policies and procedures in preventing, detecting and investigating internal fraud.

A problem shared

January 2, 2006

High quality data is essential for good operational risk management but finding it can be difficult without access to a shared database. Michael Imeson explains.

Obeying the regulator

January 2, 2006

Of all the forms of operational risk, compliance officers are most concerned with regulatory risk. Why? Because the consequences of getting it wrong can be so severe, writes Michael Imeson.

Hedge funds trimmed

December 5, 2005

UK regulators are reviewing hedge funds and alternative retail investments with a view to imposing new restrictions that could curtail growth in the sector, writes Michael Imeson.

More accounting rules

November 7, 2005

Proposed by the Committee of European Banking Supervisors, translated from officialese by Michael Imeson.

A chance to win business benefits

November 7, 2005

Ravi Varadachari explains how banks that plan to comply with Basel II’s advanced approaches can use them for strategic decision making, such as capital allocation for individual lines of business.

A starring role for market discipline

November 7, 2005

Market discipline should be used to lower the risk of arbitrary supervisory discretion in the implementation of pillar 2 of the Basel II Accord. Professor Harald Benink addresses the latest global developments on Basel from a European perspective.

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