The top performing lenders in Latin America, in terms of return on capital, are located in Venezuela and Argentina.

Latin America top banks by ROC

The top five Latin American lenders by return on capital (ROC) list comprises banks from just two countries: Venezuela and Argentina. Leading the way, Venezuela is home to three of the five banks, including first placed Banesco Banco Universal, which recorded ROC of 64.99%. This was a leap from last year, when the bank recorded 53.92% ROC and placed fifth in the ranking by this metric.

Two other Venezuelan lenders are in the top five, Banco de Venezuela and Banco del Tesoro, which place second and fifth with 61.86% and 57.07%, respectively. The latter is a newcomer to the regional ROC ranking, while the latter has retained its position from last year's ranking, with a small gain on the 59.99% it posted in the 2013 results.

The largest lender by Tier 1 capital in the top five ranking by ROC is Banco de la Nacion Argentina, which ranks fourth with a ROC of 58.12%. The Argentina-based lender is 289th in the Top 1000 ranking and 13th in the Latin America ranking, with $2970m of Tier 1 capital. Also from Argentina, Banco Macro, places third in the ranking, with 61.11% ROC.

Philip Alexander reports on the full results of The Banker’s Top 1000 World Banks ranking 2014 in Top 1000 World Banks 2014: Back on track? and Silvia Pavoni reports on the performance of Latin American banks in Venezuela gains, but Brazil still reigns.


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