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Transaction banking: Version 2.0

September 29, 2010

Inspired by consumer technology, corporate clients are starting to demand web 2.0 features and tools from their transaction banking platforms, forcing banks to upgrade their systems to keep pace. Writer John Beck


Has P2P's time finally come?

September 29, 2010

An influx of non-bank online payment providers offering customers new, easy-to-use ways to transfer money has spurred some banks into providing similar systems. However, there is some scepticism, particularly in the US, about just how much these new methods threaten traditional banking models.


China's banks face up to their technological challenge

August 30, 2010

Having emerged from the economic crisis in rude health, China's financial institutions are facing their biggest challenge yet as a rapidly changing banking landscape demands new technology solutions. Writer John Beck

The core banking system market is booming

July 28, 2010

The market for core banking systems is booming, spurred on by institutions looking to provide better services and products in an increasingly competitive environment. But methods of achieving these goals vary by region and institution. Writer John Beck

Fund processing plays catch-up

July 28, 2010

Much work has been done to standardise and automate fund processing, with several commercial solutions available, but the cost of processing fund transactions is still significantly higher than for bonds or equities and this is hampering critical mass. Is a more centralised market infrastructure needed to tackle processing costs? Writer Frances Maguire

Across the board

July 6, 2010

Santander's acquisition spree has left the bank with a major IT challenge. But as José María Fuster, its CIO, explains, the bank has embraced IT integration as an all-encompassing transformation programme. Writer Wendy Atkins

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Getting what you pay for

July 6, 2010

The worst of the industry budget cuts may be over, but what lessons have banks learnt from the financial crisis regarding how they pay for their IT and the way they manage the relationship with their IT vendors? Writer Nik Pratt

A cloudy outlook

July 6, 2010

Banks have so far been wary of adopting remote cloud-computing services, often because of security concerns. However, cloud operators are posing a threat to existing companies across a spectrum of businesses, and banks cannot afford to ignore the public cloud for long. Writer Phil Jones

Time to cough up the IT hairball

July 6, 2010

Likhit Wagle, IBM's global leader for banking and financial markets

Banks will be forced to make profound changes to their business strategies- and their technology - to prop up their return on equity. However, messy and conflicting legacy IT systems have developed into a 'hairball' that threatens to choke banks' efforts to streamline. Writer Phil Jones

This time it's different. Or is it?

July 6, 2010

Banking IT architectures will and must look different in the post-crisis, post-recessionary operating environment, argue market-watchers. But will banks finally be able to make the long-awaited shift from their legacy systems? Writer Michelle Price

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