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Banking is no longer black and white... it's red and blue

May 1, 2014

New rules based on the old banking system are at odds with a newly globalised world, in which innovation takes precedent over regulation, and technology and society are the principle axes of change.

Banks' big data dilemma

April 28, 2014

Customers trust banks with their money, but should they trust banks with their data?

Dos and don'ts of fraud

Dos and don’ts of preventing fraud in a bank

April 1, 2014

The damage that a fraud investigation can wreak on a bank is already well documented, but what measures can banks take to protect themselves against such incidents and minimise the repercussions if a fraudster does slip through the net? 

Channel hopping is so last century

April 1, 2014

Talk of banking channels is passé and misses the point. Going digital is about connecting everything, not carving it up.

Kevin Brown

RBS's technology evolution

March 3, 2014

A lot has changed in the 35 years since Kevin Brown started his career at RBS. The senior executive at RBS International Banking tells The Banker that as telecommunications have evolved, so have customers’ expectations.

The changing landscape of exchanges

The changing landscape of exchanges

March 3, 2014

Once regarded as national treasures, over the past few years many exchanges have been evolving into cross-border operations, focused on capturing larger market shares. Following this wave of consolidation and collaboration, however, it still remains to be seen whether bigger really means better.

It's a wonderful industry (or, at least, it could be)

March 3, 2014

In the race to be the 'most digital', banks have lost their human touch, and consequently the relationship between customer and bank has broken down. It is, therefore, time to get back to basics.

PSD2: playing with firewalls

February 24, 2014

The European Commission's proposed update to the Payment Services Directive will allow third parties to penetrate banks' security firewalls, which is leaving banks understandably nervous.

E-commerce shadow falls over China's banks

China's e-commerce giants target banking riches

February 3, 2014

China's leading e-commerce companies are using their wealth of consumer knowledge to tap into the country's state-dominated banking market, introducing innovative new products that threaten to overshadow the more conventional offerings of local banks.

Technology IPOs

Technology IPOs: where to launch?

February 3, 2014

Bullish investors are pushing technology firms to launch initial public offerings but, says Dan Barnes, they need to pick their market carefully.

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