Latest articles from Russia

Andrey Suchkov

February 2, 2005

vice-president, Vneshtorgbank
Andrey Suchkov is the head of Vneshtorgbank’s mortgage and consumer credit division and has a good claim to the title “father of Russian mortgages”.
Mortgages have just come of age in Russia and the business of lending money to people to buy their own home is expected to grow from the current $1bn to somewhere over $100bn by the end of the decade.

Finance Minister Global & Europe

January 3, 2005

Alexei Kudrin, Finance Minister, Russia

Russia declares 2005 the ‘year of transparency’

January 3, 2005

Russia’s finance minister Alexei Kudrin (right) welcomed the country’s forthcoming adoption of international accounting standards at The Banker’s Top 50 Russian Banks presentation recently, as Stephen Timewell reports from Moscow.

Competitive disadvantage

January 3, 2005

The low capital base of the Russian banking sector is a serious concern; it could hamper the country’s ability to achieve its ambitious growth targets. But there is growth.Stephen Timewell reports from Moscow.
The Russian economy may be growing strongly, with latest GDP growth estimates put at 5.8% in 2004, but Russian bankers are concerned about the low capability of Russia’s banks and their lack of access to long-term funds.

Defending Russia’s record

January 3, 2005

Alexei Kudrin, Finance Minister of the Russian Federation and The Banker’s Finance Minister of the Year, talked to Karina Robinson in London about the challenges facing the Russian economy in what looks like a defining moment in its path towards becoming a liberal market economy.

Russian banking remains buoyant

December 1, 2004

Despite turbulence in the banking system this summer, the overall forecast is good for the financial sector.

Mini-banking blip hides Russian boom

December 1, 2004

While Russia’s central bank had to rebuff talk of a crisis this year, a surge in retail and investment banking went unnoticed. Meanwhile, the crisis that never happened also spurred reforms, writes Ben Aris.

Taking the lead

October 4, 2004

Alexander V Zakharov, deputy chairman of the board of Sberbank, explains how the Russian bank has overcome various challenges to financing some of the country’s major domestic and export-oriented investment projects.

Silver linings

October 4, 2004

Moscow-based Globexbank is one of Russia’s top 10 banks, and the crises of the 1990s and the recent mini-crisis have made it stronger. Ben Aris reports.

Tapping resources

October 4, 2004

With Russia’s banks failing to lend, it’s left to Russian companies to fend for themselves, showing an upturn in project finance.

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