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Team of the monthAugust 31 2023

Team of the month: Investec strengthens its cross-border abilities

Navigating complex multi-jurisdictional mergers and acquisitions, as well as debt restructuring, is where Investec’s investment banking arm excels.
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Team of the month: Investec strengthens its cross-border abilitiesJonathan Arrowsmith (left) and Charles Barlow

The investment bankers at Investec Bank believe that cross-border proficiency will become increasingly indispensable to merger and acquisition (M&A) advice. The bank’s acquisition of a majority stake in European M&A boutique Capitalmind should extend its capabilities in that department.

Investec, which is listed in both London and Johannesburg, provides investment banking, private banking and wealth management services. Its investment banking arm offers the full bulge-bracket range of services to mid-market corporate clients who, it says, would otherwise have to get them from multiple sources.

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