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Middle EastJuly 27 2010

UN sanctions no barrier to determined banks

Obstacles to growth: Iran's banks, among then the Export Development Bank of Iran, face myriad challenges, such as UN sanctions and a poor infrastructure and technology take-up throughout the countryThe UN sanctions that are restricting the activity of Iran's banking sector may be tough, but they are not stopping those determined to do business. Writer Spencer Anderson
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UN sanctions no barrier to determined banks

Few banks in the world have as tough a deal as those in Iran. In June the UN made their situation even worse with yet another round of punitive sanctions that was followed up by additional penalties from the US and Europe. While Iran's banks had a relatively good financial crisis, there are a host of other challenges that they will face in the coming year.

These include high levels of non-performing loans, mostly a result of a government policy that forces banks to give loans to the poor at rates lower than inflation, and weakening capital ratios.

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