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ESG & sustainabilityAugust 28 2020

Nurturing mental health makes for healthy business

Covid-19 has thrown up new challenges for employees and employers overnight, including wellbeing. Poppy Jaman of City Mental Health Alliance UK explains why looking after mental health is critical to environmental, social and governance goals.
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After being the least talked-about element of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors to date, social is very quickly rising to the top of the agenda. Mental health and wellbeing is a key part of the ‘S’ in ESG, as the UN warns of a global mental health crisis because of Covid-19. It has become a priority in the boardroom and, increasingly, in the investment community. 

Creating a mentally healthy culture has long been a priority for members of the City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA). On a human level, our members recognise it is the right thing to do; even before the impact of Covid-19 was felt, we knew that one in four of us will experience mental ill health. Workplaces have a unique opportunity to protect and support the positive mental health of their people.

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