Latest articles from Western Europe

The asset quality review: a bitter pill for banks

July 28, 2014

Greater regulatory scrutiny in Europe is compelling banks to better understand their data and consider tough strategic decisions. 

New priorities confuse EU regulatory drive

July 28, 2014

Key legislation on the structural reform of banks held over from the previous European Parliament and European Commission may now take a back seat.

Jersey bond underscores financial centre status

Jersey bond underscores financial centre status

July 1, 2014

Jersey issued the first bond in its 800-year history to finance a renewal of its housing stock, and seized the opportunity to tell the crown dependency's story.

New environment forces change in the world of structured products

July 1, 2014

Low volatility and low yields are making life tricky for structured product providers. But by broadening their range of products and by doing more to tap upcoming markets, such as Asia, they have been able to ensure they get plenty of business. 

Investors face fresh interest rate challenge

Investors face fresh interest rate challenge

July 1, 2014

Since interest rates dropped to record lows in both the US and UK, investors have been anticipating their rebound and picking their investments accordingly.

What would Scottish independence mean for banks

What would Scottish independence mean for banks?

July 1, 2014

If Scotland opts for independence from the rest of the UK later in 2014, the latter would be likely to get custody of banks.

Banks adapt to the new world of structured finance

July 1, 2014

New regulations are having a profound impact on structured finance and securitisation markets. But the bigger banks are mostly coping, with some even exploiting the situation to build their investor-advisory services.

Bankia bounces back

Bankia rises from Spain's real estate ashes

July 1, 2014

Just a few years ago, Spanish lender Bankia was on the brink of collapse. Now, thanks to an aggressive restructuring programme, the bank is hitting its targets and has ambitions to compete with national giants Santander, BBVA and CaixaBank.

Index-based structured products on the rise

July 1, 2014

Index-based structured products have grown in popularity since the financial crisis, as investors have sought flexible and bespoke ways to gain exposure to certain assets. And while the threat of tougher regulation looms, bankers are confident it will not slow down the market. 

Reforms bring challenges for Germany’s public banking pillar

July 1, 2014

Caught up in European regulation, Germany’s public banks are trying to adapt to new challenges. Across all three banking pillars in the country, financial institutions are particularly struggling with increased competition in retail banking and low profitability. 

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