Latest articles from Jason Mitchel

Luis Carranza

September 2, 2009

Peru's finance minister talks about his commitment to a market-led economy and discusses the policies which he believes will transform the country into a major player on the world stage. Writer Jason Mitchell

On the brink

September 2, 2009

While the Western world has been struggling through the global financial crisis, Latin America has shown a remarkable resilience to the upheaval. Two countries in particular - Colombia and Peru - are showing particularly impressive growth, and look set to become important emerging economies. Writer Jason Mitchell


A public answer to a private problem

June 4, 2009

Carlos Heller, president, Creditcoop
As Argentina slides towards recession, the country's private banks are reining in their lending activity, meaning that publicly owned banks will have to take a more advanced role in safeguarding the country's economic wellbeing. Writer Jason Mitchell in Buenos Aires

Robust chile hopes for the best

March 10, 2009

A conservative fiscal approach has left Chilean banks well placed to ride out the global financial downturn. However, opinion is divided on just how tough things are likely to get in the immediate future. Writer Jason Mitchell in Santiago.

Big advantages, bad reputation

July 1, 2008

Following elections, Jason Mitchell reports from Asunción on Paraguay’s economic pluses and the reforms that could benefit the country.

Wealth market booms

May 5, 2008

Latin America, especially Brazil and Mexico, offers huge opportunities for private wealth management as more individuals break into the $1m bracket. Jason Mitchell reports from Buenos Aires.

Argentina plays the rating game

March 4, 2008

Argentina needs to arrest the high inflation that is hindering the development of long-term capital markets. Jason Mitchell reports.

Experts call for sovereign issue

December 1, 2007

Argentina’s new president has the chance to help the country rejoin the international financial community. Will she take it? By Jason Mitchell in Buenos Aires.

Pension fund liberation to boost nascent sector

October 1, 2007

A relaxation of pension funds allocation rules in Latin America will hugely benefit regional private equity investment – but governments must keep better tallies of inflows, says Jason Mitchell in Buenos Aires.

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