Latest articles from Analysis & Opinion

A new blueprint for funding global infrastructure

December 1, 2011

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development may have found a new and much-needed source of infrastructure funding in pension funds, but the problem is far from solved, as governments still need to set up the framework to help them invest. 

Remedies for European deleveraging

December 1, 2011

European bank balance sheets are set to shrink, but bankers and regulators alike should think carefully about how to divest assets.

Multilatinas herald a new age of Latin American integration

November 1, 2011

Latin America's up-and-coming 'multilatinas' appear to be succeeding where many have previously failed: in achieving a form of unification across the region. However, if the financial sector is to emulate its business counterpart, the tricky task of reaching a broad regulatory consensus will be essential.

RBS taps into appetite for corporates

RBS taps into growing appetite for corporates

November 1, 2011

As investors flock to the perceived safer ground of corporates at the expense of sovereigns or financials, RBS has been busy successfully utilising the private placement markets in a $1bn deal for caterer Compass Group and the Swiss franc issuance market for utility provider GTS Suez. 


Time to recognise the limits of monetary policy

November 1, 2011

While the financial crisis and its aftermath have been a humbling experience for the banking industry, there is a need for humility among central bankers, too.

Are banks experiencing a cyclical blip or an industry shift?

November 1, 2011

Are banks' depressed earnings the result of a temporary crisis or are they a new characteristic of an increasingly regulated industry?

Europe should focus on bank assets, not capital

October 27, 2011

Raising bank capital ratios is the wrong solution at the wrong time.

Banks need to take a bite out of Apple

October 19, 2011

When looking for models to emulate, banks are better off picking Apple rather than Google – Apple, after all, has branches. 

A solution to the debt problem? A licence to print money

October 3, 2011

As developed economies throughout the world continue to struggle with spiraling debt problems, it is time the rethink the model of money creation.

UBS team

UBS pulls off niobium deal for Chinese consortium

October 3, 2011

When Chinese investors sought to secure a supply of niobium metal, UBS had the unique challenge of coordinating five state-owned enterprises to a punishing timetable, all the while taking on board the differing needs of each enterprise. 

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