Latest articles from Team of the month

Standard Bank benefits from its Chinese partnership

July 7, 2009

The chief executive of South Africa's Standard Bank, Jacko Maree, talks about his international aspirations and how he is taking advantage of the relationship with Chinese state-owned banking giant ICBC to expand Standard Bank's global presence. Writer Charlie Corbett in Cape Town

Battered and bruised but ready to move forward

May 5, 2009

BTA Bank has been at the centre of a financial storm involving a state bail-out, Kazakhstan's real estate crash and rotating central bank governors. However the tools to stabilise the situation now appear to be in place. Writer Philip Alexander

A steady hand in a time of crisis

April 7, 2008

CEO of Halyk Bank and former governor of Kazakhstan’s central bank, Grigori Marchenko tells Karina Robinson why the Federal Reserve got it wrong.

BMCE Group bridges out

December 1, 2007

The success of Morocco’s BMCE Group could become a beacon for other African countries that are beginning to see growth and stability. Neil Sen reports.

The world’s most desirable player?

September 4, 2006

What Standard Chartered lacks in raw size, it more than makes up for in terms of emerging markets presence and knowledge as well as exemplary management policies, making it a prime takeover target. 

Making waves

August 7, 2006

For Barclays to succeed in the new South Africa, it must strengthen newly acquired Absa's efficiency and then both must learn how to tap the country’s burgeoning black middle class. Meanwhile, their efforts are shaking up a heavily concentrated banking sector. 

BNG moves into new pastures

April 4, 2005

Growing funding needs led Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten to shift its focus from the retail to the institutional market. Edward Russell-Walling reports on this and the bank’s strategic benchmark programme.

One hit wonder

March 7, 2005

As the bidding war rages for the London Stock Exchange, Geraldine Lambe looks at how the 200-year-old-institution lost its lead in the European charts.

HSBC's killer move

October 6, 2003

HSBC chairman Sir John Bond talks to Karina Robinson about the transformational impact of the bank’s acquisition of Household International.

Is Citigroup's Sandy losing focus?

September 2, 2002

In creating the modern Citigroup, Sandy Weill took the banking industry into a new era. Now beset by troubles on all fronts - Enron and WorldCom fallout, consumer finance allegations and a controversial new management structure - some analysts fear 'the king of capital' may be losing his magic touch.

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