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Analysis & opinionJanuary 3 2005

Russia stands at crucial crossroads

Russia appears to be at a crossroads with the battle between market reformers and interventionists reaching fever pitch. In this special Davos issue, we put the spotlight on Russia, with an exclusive interview with finance minister Alexei Kudrin, who The Banker has picked as its Finance Minister of the Year 2005. Mr Kudrin is candid with his thoughts on the Yukos affair, as well as banking and market reforms.
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We also have interviews with leading Russian bankers, such as Andrei Kazmin, chairman of Sberbank, and Alexander Popov, chairman of Rosbank. What happens in Russia is crucial to the global situation and 2005 is likely to be a critical year.

The same can be said of Turkey, from which country we picked Süreyya Serdengeçti to be The Banker’s Central Banker of 2005. With the shape of Turkey’s likely EU membership becoming clearer, there will be a pressing need to keep the country’s economy running smoothly to improve its chances.

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