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Digital journeysSeptember 25 2017

Why jack-of-all-trade banks will go the way of the dinosaurs

Doing a number of things to an average standard is no longer tenable for banks. They need to jettison legacy systems and old thinking, and embrace multiple partnerships with fintechs that do one thing brilliantly – or face obsolescence. By Chris Skinner.
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The imperative for banks to change their business model to leverage fintech gets more and more pressing every day. The challenge is a major one but not insurmountable.

First, banks must move their organisational structures from being locked in, proprietary and tightly coupled to being open, partnering and loosely coupled. It’s all about plug-and-play, open sourcing technologies based on apps, application programming interfaces (APIs) and analytics. Banks have a strong position in this area as they own the marketplace today, and they should be building the platforms to allow their customers great experiences by connecting with the best-in-class APIs out there.

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