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Private equity squeezing through the exit

September 3, 2012

Good things come in small packages, particularly when it comes to cashing out of private equity buyouts made before the financial crisis.

Can Europe emulate US small-cap sweet spot?

September 3, 2012

While some of the largest initial public offerings have attracted the wrong kind of headlines recently, investors can find value among genuine US growth companies but the UK is struggling to match this success.

Equity bankers waiting to bridge the gap

September 3, 2012

Emergency capital raisings are over, conditions for new listings are still unattractive and equity capital markets divisions are under pressure.

Rapid response puts Credit Suisse capital bank on track TEASER

Rapid response puts Credit Suisse capital bank on track

September 3, 2012

Switzerland’s second largest bank had to react quickly with an innovative convertible offering after the country’s central bank demanded an increase in its capital base.

Alexandre Tombini TEASER

The rising role of central banks in monetary policies

September 3, 2012

The post-crisis environment has seen central banks play an increasingly large role in the financial stability policies of many countries. Central bankers need to understand how price and financial stability policies must work together for the best best results.

Canada regulator keen to avoid complacency trap TEASER

Canada regulator keen to avoid complacency trap

September 3, 2012

Canadian banks have a reputation for being among the safest in the world, but the country's head regulator, Julie Dickson, still sees room for improvement and is wary of the dangers that lurk around the corner.

Georg Fahrenschon

German savings banks model shows Europe the way forward

September 3, 2012

The concepts on which a European banking union is based are flawed. Basing this union on the principles upon which the German savings banks model is founded – a model that has remained stable in recent years of crisis – would be a more sensible option.

Christos Staikouras TEASER

Why Greece must balance growth and austerity policies

September 3, 2012

For the past few years Greece, has been fighting its fiscal deficit with a harsh austerity programme. However, the limited success of this approach means that if the country is to make a sustainable recovery from its current economic crisis, its policies must focus more on instigating growth.

Japan looks to be a positive influence in Asia TEASER

Japan looks to be a positive influence in Asia

September 3, 2012

Japan boasts a more mature and stable economy than its fast-growing Asian neighbours, and the country's vice-minister of finance for international affairs hopes that the country's role as a leading practitioner of financial diplomacy in the region is backed up by its banks.

Abdullah Saud Al-Thani TEASER

Qatar Central Bank moves closer to its goal

September 3, 2012

With the same proactive approach that allowed the country to steer clear of the worst of the global economic crisis, Qatar's central bank is preparing the country's banks sector for regulatory pressures ahead, while ensuring they can meet the large-scale funding requirements that come with the country hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

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