Latest articles from World

Paris aims for European supremacy

July 2, 2002

Six months after the launch of the euro, the finance markets of Paris are enjoying the success that it has brought. As Helena Frith Powell reports, the French capital has London firmly in its sights.

Saudi banks buck international trend

April 2, 2002

Stephen Timewell reports from Riyadh on how most of Saudi Arabia's banks are enjoying a profitable year.

Tactics must change if the news is good

February 2, 2002

In times of turbulence, investors flocked to Brazilian banks. They always delivered in the worst kind of scenarios. But what if Brazil becomes stable? Brian Caplen analyses how things could change.

Lessons from Argentina: Sovereign default

February 2, 2002

Argentina's spectacular sovereign debt default may, ironically, change international rules on dealing with such collapses while coming too late for the country itself. Suzanne Miller reports from New York on why the IMF may finally have run out of patience with its old friend.

London calling

November 2, 2001

Henry Harington looks at the effect of September 11 on foreign banks in London, and finds many questioning their policy of maintaining all their operations under one roof.

Time runs out for the technocrat

May 2, 2001

Karina Robinson interviews Pedro Malan, Brazil's finance minister, who has less than two years left in office before elections.

Japanese banks determined not to repeat previous mistakes

April 2, 2001

With Japan’s economic problems having the potential to wreak havoc on a global scale, Japan’s banks must haul themselves out of a hole of their own making, reports Anthony Rowley in Tokyo.

Right, said Fred, both of us together

April 2, 2001

Karina Robinson talks to Fred Goodwin, group chief executive, Royal Bank of Scotland.

All power to the super regulator

February 2, 2001

Karina Robinson talks to the FSA’s Sir Howard Davies.

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