Latest articles from Western Europe

Full steam ahead for consumer loan sector

July 4, 2007

Foreign investment continues flowing into Turkey’s financial system, and consumer banking and financing of small and medium-sized enterprises are becoming major business lines for the country’s commercial banks. Metin Demirsar reports from Istanbul.

Fears of bubble economy grow

July 4, 2007

Early general elections are planned to calm a political crisis and the economy is beginning to cool off, adding to concerns that progress made in recent years could unravel. Metin Demirsar reports from Istanbul.

Tight window of opportunity

July 4, 2007

A consortium including Goldman Sachs won the mandate for a strategic review and IPO execution for Turkey’s state-owned Halkbank. A tight schedule for US distribution and a political/religious row that spilled volatility into the Istanbul stock market failed to derail the sale. Edward Russell-Walling reports.

No ifs or butts for the City’s smokers

July 4, 2007

Smoking in enclosed public spaces, including offices, is about to be made a criminal offence in England. The move is welcomed in many quarters, but employers whose employees break the law will be liable to pay much heftier fines than the errant employees themselves, writes Michael Imeson.

Open to foreign business

July 2, 2007

With or without a radical change of approach by the new president, France’s markets are surprisingly open to overseas companies.Geraldine Lambe reports.

Post-election France has everything to play for

July 2, 2007

Following the French elections, the markets are returning to normal, with plenty of activity predicted, especially in state-involved sectors. Geraldine Lambe reports on how the pace is picking up.

par excellence

July 2, 2007

It is high time France was given some credit for operating an economy that is more open than most to foreign companies.

Italy enjoys the ‘Draghi effect’

July 2, 2007

The hands-off approach of Italy’s central bank boss Mario Draghi seems to be paying off as the country is starting to produce continental-scale banks. David Lane reports.

Greater EU presence on the world stage

July 2, 2007

As Portugal takes over the EU presidency, the country’s president, Professor Aníbal Cavaco Silva, stresses the need, among other things, for Europe to assert itself as an effective and influential global performer.

Fears of a bubble

July 2, 2007

Recent stock market falls in the construction sector are making Spain’s seemingly invincible property market look vulnerable, with all that entails for an economy that is highly dependant on it. Neil Tyler explains.

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