Latest articles from Silvia Pavoni

Central Bank of Paraguay on the country's need to diversify

August 30, 2010

The governor of the Central Bank of Paraguay speaks to Silvia Pavoni about the need to diversify Paraguay's economy and the measures he is taking to improve training for central bank staff.

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The growth factor

August 30, 2010

Paraguay's financial sector is small and underdeveloped but the country's fast-growing economy is opening up opportunities for both domestic and multinational players, buoyed in recent years by the creation and support of a development agency. Writer Silvia Pavoni


Paraguay banks on natural resources

August 30, 2010

 Paraguay's minister of finance, Dionisio Borda, outlines the government's efforts to make the most of its natural resources, attract private investment and build up the country's infrastructure.

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Paraguay ups its game

August 30, 2010

Rich in potential but historically low on performance, Paraguay is making a concerted effort to improve its reputation in an attempt to attract both investors and tourists to the country. Writer Silvia Pavoni

Turbulent times

August 30, 2010

As the fallout from the global financial crisis continues, competition between leading international financial centres has been given a new dimension by threats of tougher regulation in established markets and intense pressure from emerging centres striving hard to push their way into the top league. Writer Silvia Pavoni


Italy: Survival or siesta?

August 30, 2010

Italy exemplifies everything that is wrong with Europe - poor government finances, stultifying bureaucracy and rising labour costs. Can it sort itself out? Silvia Pavoni, an Italian national who lives in the UK, takes a long, hard look.

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Tough times in paradise

July 28, 2010

Caribbean economies have been hit hard by the global crisis, the Haiti earthquake and the near-collapse of CL Financial in Trinidad though its top performers still have plenty to shout about. Writer Silvia Pavoni

A point of principle

July 6, 2010

Samira Mensah, fund analyst for Standard & Poor's

Islamic funds performed well in the credit crunch and last year Islamic finance even gained the support of the Vatican. Politicans are now recognising that sharia-compliant principles could assist in avoiding another financial crisis. Writer Silvia Pavoni

In a league of its own

July 6, 2010

Political and economic turbulence has long afflicted Peru's reputation, but having finally found a way of using its natural resources to the country's best advantage, the scale of its rising prosperity has international investors excited. Writer Silvia Pavoni


Argentina's season of change

July 6, 2010

Despite the twin threats of the worst drought to strike South America in decades and the continuing fallout from global financial crisis, Argentina's lenders have survived relatively unscathed. And now a debt swap offer could allow the country to access international credit markets. Writer Silvia Pavoni

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