Latest articles from Analysis & Opinion

Will big data cause big problems for the banking world?

July 29, 2013

The availability of big data in the finance world has gone beyond the big banks, and as other financial institutions receive this information, a whole new set of arguments are set to be heard.

Farewell to the heady days of Wall Street

July 29, 2013

Fanfare over recent results from US investment banks belies the reality that Wall Street’s heyday has passed. 

Better technology would bring better banking supervision

July 1, 2013

The process for deciding upon and implementing global reforms could be made much more effective and time efficient if the global supervisory community invested more in technology, which would improve both international communications and data collection and analysis.

Andris Vilks

Finance minister brings Latvia in from the cold

July 1, 2013

The Banker’s Finance Minister of the Year for Europe 2013 won his award thanks to a successful and determined fiscal adjustment programme. He explains how moving early is now allowing Latvia to look beyond austerity.

Standard Chartered ups Africa game

Standard Chartered pushes further into Africa

July 1, 2013

Standard Chartered already has one of the largest African businesses among banks from outside the continent, but it still wants to increase its operations there substantially in the next few years. Diana Layfield, its chief executive for Africa, tells Paul Wallace how.

Stanley Fischer

Bank of Israel turns theory into practice

July 1, 2013

Stanley Fischer's time as Bank of Israel governor has coincided with dramatic changes in global thinking about the role of central banks. He looks back on how his work has evolved, and what still needs to be done to secure the future.

Why banks must learn to stop worrying and love Facebook

July 1, 2013

Facebook, often seen as an inconvenience at best by banks, and a bogeyman at worst, is finally being embraced by a handful of lenders, with India's ICICI leading the way.

How Credit Suisse helped breathe new life into Thomas Cook

How Credit Suisse helped breathe new life into Thomas Cook

July 1, 2013

Credit Suisse oversaw a combined rights issue, share placement, bond issue and loan renegotiation to rebuild client Thomas Cook from a near-default experience.

Seth Terkper, Ghana's finance minister

Ghana finance minister looks to regain fiscal credibility

July 1, 2013

Ghana has a rapidly growing economy and can count itself as one of Africa’s most mature democracies. But the credibility of its fiscal management was badly damaged last year when it posted a huge budget deficit. Seth Terkper, its minister of finance and economic planning, tells Paul Wallace how he plans to cut it.

A poisoned chalice for China?

July 1, 2013

The growth of China's banks, into the world's largest and most profitable institutions, is not necessarily a good thing for the country.

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