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AfricaMarch 1 2016

Kenya struggles to find banking consolidation consensus

Kenya plays host to some of Africa's more established pan-regional banks, but with 41 lenders active in the country many claim that it is overbanked. Attempts are being made to increase capital requirements and suspend any new licences with the intention of kick-starting a consolidation drive, but those who oppose such measures are making their presence felt.
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Kenya’s banking sector is considered to be among the strongest in the east Africa region, and several of its lenders have established a multinational presence in the region and beyond. But a proliferation of small banks, two of which have collapsed in recent months, has led to considerable hand-wringing over the need to consolidate the country's fragmented market.

There are 41 banks operating in Kenya, 13 of them foreign owned. But six of these account for 50% of total market share, while a further 16 banks control 42% of the market, leaving 12 banks with just an 8% share between them.

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