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AmericasJanuary 5 2009

Trinidad and Tobago aims to create a hub for the new financial landscape

Will Trinidad and Tobago become the Caribbean’s next international financial centre? And how will the islands’ economy survive lower energy prices?
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Despite the international financial crisis, Karen Nunez-Tesheira, Trinidad’s minister of finance, said in a recent speech that the country’s government was moving ahead with the planned establishment of a Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Centre (TTIFC) “to take advantage of the growing dynamism and strength of our domestic financial sector”.

Ms Nunez-Tesheira said: “[Trinidad and Tobago intends] to maximise the opportunities that are certain to be part of the new financial landscape which will emerge in the aftermath of the crisis, as well as to exploit the current potential for linking our strong international position in the energy and petrochemical sectors, as the basis for a commodities hub.”

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