Latest articles from Americas

Sebastien Chatel

Brasil Plural takes multi-tasking approach

August 1, 2013

Brasil Plural is a relative newcomer to the financial markets, but has already played an important part in the world’s biggest initial public offering of 2013, to date. However, as Brazil's economy slows, will the bank's diverse approach help it to maintain its early momentum?

Economic troubles weigh on Caribbean banks

Economic troubles weigh on Caribbean banks

August 1, 2013

Bank earnings across the Caribbean are down, as the region's lenders continue to struggle against a difficult economic backdrop. But there are still some bright spots, with a handful of banks managing to boost their asset base and retain impressive profitability.

A brave, new Bitcoin world

A brave, new Bitcoin world?

August 1, 2013

Bitcoin – an audacious, innovative and 'mathematically fantastic' virtual currency, or an unregulated, volatile and opaque money channel? The Banker puts that question to banks, regulators and technology experts to get their take. 

China leads FDI charge into emerging economies

August 1, 2013

Foreign direct investment into financial services in certain emerging economies is raising eyebrows, spearheaded by China’s appetite for the South American market. 

Mauricio Cardenas

Colombia's finance minister tackles inequality head on

July 29, 2013

Colombia's finance minister, Mauricio Cardenas, tells The Banker about the country’s adoption of a new taxation regime aimed at addressing inequality, and why he believes other Latin American countries should be doing the same. 

Farewell to the heady days of Wall Street

July 29, 2013

Fanfare over recent results from US investment banks belies the reality that Wall Street’s heyday has passed. 

Dawn of a new market: with record-breaking deals, such as Petrobras’s $11bn bond issuance, taking place in the country, investment banks are fighting for a stake in Brazil’s rapidly expanding market

Brazil's investment banks vie for market share

July 1, 2013

Once dominated by global firms, Brazil’s investment banking space is being reclaimed by local players, putting the squeeze on returns. But, despite increased competition and lower returns, is Brazil’s economy just too big to be ignored?

Ken Deveaux

RBS remains committed to channel integration

July 1, 2013

Global head of channels and distribution in transaction services at Royal Bank of Scotland’s international banking unit, Ken Deveaux, talks about the bank’s efforts to consolidate its channels and build an integrated systems architecture. 

Latin America bucks trend as LTDs fall globally

July 1, 2013

The global trend for loan-to-deposit ratios was one of decline in 2012, though Latin America did experience a notable growth in this field.

High-frequency trading: a game-changer for markets?

July 1, 2013

High-frequency trading has changed the way equities, and to a lesser extent, other assets, are traded. This makes many involved in trading nervous, and they have every reason to be.