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Filipino banks advance with care

October 5, 2009

The Philippines has managed to all but sidestep the global economic slump and its banking sector is in good shape, but broader structural changes in the Filipino economy will bring new challenges. Writer Michelle Price

Korn Chatikavanij

October 5, 2009

The Thai finance minister's belief that the global crisis has presented the country with an opportunity to reshape its economy has seen him unleash plans for greater use of the capital markets, diversified exports and a boost in domestic consumption. Writer Brian Caplen


Chinese banks consolidate dominance

October 5, 2009

Standing strong: China has continued to grow as a financial centre despite the global economic turbulence

The growth of the Asian banking sector continued in 2008, with China building on its dominance in the region, dwarfing India's more modest growth path, while South Korean banks' share declined. Writer Geraldine Lambe

China's banks hit new heights: Top 50 Chinese Banks

September 2, 2009

Supported by a series of government measures, China's banks recorded a surge in growth in 2008 despite the global credit crisis. Writer Charles Piggott

Taiwanese banks hold steady

September 2, 2009

Although challenged by adverse economic conditions and increasing competition in the market, on the whole Taiwan's banks managed to record modest profit growth during 2008. Writer Charles Piggott

Bank of Baroda's chance to shine

August 4, 2009

Formerly constricted by its traditional public sector mould, India's Bank of Baroda has reinvented itself with a branding overhaul and a forward-thinking realignment of its business model. Writer Brian Caplen

Survivors plan their escape from crisis

August 4, 2009

In May, The Banker examined the fate of Kazakhstan's fallen giant, Bank BTA. The Kazakh banks that have stayed solvent now explain their recovery strategies. Writer Philip Alexander

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